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5 Top-Lösungen für Ihr E-Commerce-Geschäft Berlin
25.08.2020 16:45
E-Commerce-Geschäft Berlin

If you are tired of searching for the best eCommerce solution for your business, you are not alone. Many companies feel the same kind of frustration when they don't know which platform to choose in order to maximize their business idea.

Choosing an online ecommerce solution is important because you need to feel confident using the platform and it should be something that you stick with for a long time.

How to choose the best eCommerce solution

There is no right or wrong way to go with an eCommerce solution. You need to think about what the platform should do for your business and tailor it to your company's needs.

Cell phone friendliness is important

Your platform should be mobile-friendly for your mobile customers.

Statistics show that the mobile shopping audience will only increase in the months and years to come.

So, you need to be prepared for this influx of mobile customers on your websites and make sure that you are ready to accommodate them on your shopping site.

Responsiveness is key to visitor return

Remember, it is important to have excellent web responsiveness within your pages.

In fact, many experts agree that this is one of the biggest reasons why your customers will return to your website or not.

A page that won't load or is excessively slow on some devices can prevent potential customers from staying on your page long enough to make a sale.

Five great options for your online solution

Here are five of the best online shopping and eCommerce solutions that you should check out.

Each has its merits, but you should simply go to their website to see for yourself what they are going to do and choose the best solution for your needs. car tracker

Some are rated highly for their popularity, while others are in the top five due to their special features or price range.


Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce advisors available today, and it has some real testimonials from major business owners like Mark Cuban and Daymond John of Shark Tank.

Both John and the Cuban appreciate the ease with which users can set up a shop, have their products uploaded quickly, and start an online business in no time.

It has a professional looking user interface and it allows you to create a nice storefront without knowing a single line of code. It also has a large number of resources such as podcasts and videos that will help you with this.


BigCommerce is also an attractive choice if you want to start an online business.

It allows you to create a nice business with a full range of products in a short time.

Like Shopify, it gives you several different theme-based templates to choose from, and you can choose the one that best suits your niche area and type of industry.  car tracker pakistan 


Volusion states on their main website that their customers have made over $ 18 million in the past 15 years since they first opened their website.

This company has developed a fine-grained shopping and eCommerce solution that makes the shopping experience easier for the online visitor, and the design process is easy for the web designer or website owner.

There are a few more sophisticated aspects to this platform, but there is ample help if you need help through their online tutorials, videos, and other resources. Their customer service is also perfectly adequate to help you with anything you may need.


Big Cartel is a one of a kind online shop that focuses exclusively on the artist.

This concept includes painters, designers, musicians, or anyone else whose business is creative. It is aimed at creative service entrepreneurs who want to distinguish themselves in their niche in the world.

Big Cartel's attention to the artistic and creative services industry sets it apart from other online e-commerce platforms.

Bigcartel also enables you to set up an online store to sell your digital products such as pdfs, videos, e-books and podcasts.

How to choose your ecommerce platform

After you 've reviewed and compared all of the benefits of these top five ecommerce solutions , you may have a better idea of ​​which solution is right for your business.

Remember that there is no perfect solution.

All you have to do is think about how many products you have, whether you are selling physical or digital products, and whether these solutions will fit within the budget you have for your online shopping solution.

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